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The Advantage of Using Future Sales

Selling into the future has become an everyday action for most (if not all) companies. Before we keep going, let's just clarify the terminology for "future sales" within Komet Sales. This refers to the process where a company purchases items from a vendor via a purchase order that are to be sold in the open market (that is, they don't have a customer at the time of purchase). 

So in order to leverage the capabilities of future sales, the company must issue purchase orders (ideally between 1 - 4 weeks or more in the future) to their vendors, who then have to confirm the purchase order. Once the PO is confirmed  by the vendor, the product immediately becomes available in the following sections of the system:

  • Prebooks: Salespeople can presell out of future open market items.

  • Order Entry: Allows salespeople to sell on hand plus future items in the same interaction with the customer. 

  • E-commerce: Customers can buy these items in the e-commerce. The calendar will visually identify days in the future where there's available product. 

  • API: Companies that leverage Komet's API can also retrieve this inventory and purchase from it. 

This significantly increases the sales window as the product can be sold days, weeks or in many cases, months in advance. If your company is not taking advantage of this powerful feature, please learn how to get started by following the "Setting and Creating Future Sales" guide. 


Alejandro Pérez